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This will restrict some site functionality. Gordon & Gotch Portal requires IE7 or later. Or use another browser e.g. FireFox.

Getting Started

System Requirements

  • Hardware

    • Windows, Apple or Linux based Desktop, Laptop or Tablet computer.
      (Smartphones may work, but site has not been design for these.)
    • Printer device with connectivity to the computer being used.
    • Internet connection device, e.g. Modem/Router.
  • Utility Services

    • Internet Service Provider (ISP) plan.
      (Broadband preferred, Dial-up is unsupported.)
  • Software

    • This site is only accessible via a Web Browser:
          Google Chrome
          Microsoft Internet Explorer
          Mozilla FireFox
    • To be able to view documents install PDF reader software.
      Here are links to two free PDF readers ...